The biggest obstacle to attending a church for the first time is not knowing anyone or what to expect. Not surprising really. Who wants to feel awkward?
If you come by FBC for a Sunday, here's what to expect. First, we're a small group so don't expect to be lost in a crowd. Saying that, you will be warmly received and we will do our best to put you at ease. In fact, if you get in early enough, you might even get a cuppa. Why not?
After that, we have the service. Since we don't have any instruments we use digital stuff but it works. In fact, if we turn up the volume people actually sing louder. Included with the music are prayers. We think prayer is critical to life in this world and we are convinced that God is listening.
Finally, there's the sermon. It's the main feature of our meetings. If the bible is what it claims to be; i.e., the written words of God, we ought to pay attention and learn as much as we can. Normally, it's our pastor who speaks but we have two other men who do a good job. We're pretty sure you'll come away with something that is helpful.
God bless. We look forward to seeing you soon.
FYI, if you are new to the Luton area, you are most welcome to join any of our meetings.
If you are new to Christianity, we can help you in your journey with Jesus. And if you are looking for friends, you might find some new ones. We are a small fellowship and quite welcoming.